MAJ Ernest Deveaux (Bubba) Sydnor, Jr. – 10 Apr 1946 – 27 Nov 1989

     MAJ Ernest D. Sydnor, Jr.  graduated from Sumter High School and entered into military service at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina in November 1964.  He became a WO1 at completion of Army Aviation Rotary Wing Flight Class 65-15w in November 1965. 

     MAJ Sydnor served with the 10th Cav, 4th Infantry in Viet Nam from 1966 to1967.  He joined the 51st Avn Co. in Jan 1969 and graduated from OCS at Ft. Benning in Sep 1969 being commissioned a 2LT. 

     In Feb 1972 he transitioned Into Fixed Wing qualifying him to fly both Rotary Wing and Fixed Wing Aircraft.

     MAJ Sydnor served as the Platoon Leader of the Aero Scout Platoon Leader of Troop D and when Troop D reorganized as the 51st Attack Battalion (Attack Helicopter) he served as C Co Commander.

     Just six months before the battalion was to ARTEP in Ft. Hood, Texas very sadly MAJ Sydnor’s life ended as the result of an automobile accident early in the morning under foggy conditions as he was on his way to work.  He had been working very hard to have C Co prepared for the up-coming task of ARTEP.

 Sydnor Marker